Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Thank you for your prayers! I received a call from him last evening and they were looking forward to the next day when they would get to baptise in the river! So exciting. I didn't get to get many details, but he sounded good and said that everything continues to go well in spite of the physical exhaustion.
I asked him what language that the Taposa speak and he said Arabic. But because of war for the last 20 years only about 10% of the adult males can read. So the next thing they asked for after they found out they would have a church was "can we have a school too?" Wow! Here are people who live out in the bush, but they know how important education and schooling is. Amazing! From what the team email said today, they are over joyed with the results from the team that Shad was with. Especially since other Taposa they have tried to reach have not been receptive to hearing the gospel. But this group could not get enough! They said the ground had been turned up and the soil was ready through the prayers of the missionaries who would do prayer walks in the area often. It is 5:30pm here and it is 4:30am tomorrow there. They will be getting up in a few hours to start the travel back home, which will take three days. Nairobi, Amsterdam, Detroit and San Diego.
It is time to praise the Lord for what He has done and pray for the teams travels back home.

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