Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The list of 8's

So here it is, Vikki tagged me over at http://blessedfamily.blogspot.com/.

8 TV shows I watch: O dear, I don't know if there is eight...
1. Jon and Kate Plus 8
2. Heroes (only sometimes, but Shad likes to watch so if I want to hang with him on that night, we watch it together)
3. Hallmark channel movies sometimes
4. Survivor sometimes
5.Everyday Italian sometimes
8.Movie that might be on IF there is time to actually look for one and watch it. :)

8 of My Favorite Restaurants:
1. P.F. Chang's 2. Super Salsa 3. 9/10 Cafe 4. The Cottage 5. BBQ Pit 6. Flemmings 7. The Fish Market 8. Rapungi

8 Things that happened Yesterday:
1. Lots of laundry 2. stayed in my pj's all day (which received a rather interesting facial expression from my husband upon coming home once in the middle of the day and then again in the evening, finding me in the same pj's) 3. Ate oatmeal for breakfast 4. Gave time outs to my children 5. Served homemade Chicken Noodle Soup for lunch 6. Received a gift of about 45 minutes to my-self when my husband arrived home in the evening 7. Researched some books on-line 8. Gave my children bath's before bed

8 Things I am looking forward to: 1. not hearing " I WANT IT" from one or both of my children in one day 2. No zits 3.Thanksgiving 4.HEAVEN!!!! 5. When the remaining "house" projects will be done (just maybe by the time I'm 50) 6. Not giving instructions every two seconds 7. Not have to correct behaviors every two seconds 8. Starting something that I can finish without interruption :)

8 Things on my wishlist: 1. Cement in my side yard 2. Fence and gates 3. Clothes Line 4. A second car 5. Enough money to afford a second car :) 6. Closet Doors 7. To be perfect - ha ha ha 8. Evil would disintegrate

8 Things I love: 1. My God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit! 2. Awesome weather 3. Beautiful sunsets 4. Yummy Food 5. My husband 6. My kids 7 . My family 8. Friends

8 Things I can't stand: 1. My sin nature
2. Filth
3. Inconsiderate people
4. Selfishness
5. Confrontation
6. When I don't "let it go"
7. When truth is not desired
8. Abuse - of any form on human beings

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