Monday, November 17, 2008

"I want Daddy too......."

So we are getting back to whatever our normal is. I seemed to hear the above phrase several times throughout the day from the kids. THEY WANT DADDY! Completely natural and cute if you ask me. Lilly said, "Daddy come dance with me and then we will go play in my room." So funny.

We are certainly functioning with a healthy sense of perspective after Shad's stories and all the happenings of the last week. It puts everything in life in a different light when you realize what the essentials really are, how much you really do have and changes what you thought you needed or wanted. I know that to try and put into words what is in my mind would be redundant and possibly comes across as "Christianise". But that does not diminish the truth of what we read and know in God's Word! Can you, can I truly say that He is all we need, want, and long for? Can you, can I be satisfied in our hunger with HIM and only Him? Is the gospel and the spread of it truly our life's goal and passion? What are we doing with our moments, our choices, our finances to reflect that? Take a deep breath, dive in and LIVE!

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