Thursday, November 6, 2008

"Close your eyes, close your eyes!"

This morning as I was working on the computer, all of a sudden Lilly keeps shouting to close our eyes. Finally I said no I can't I'm busy working, why do we need to close our eyes? Her answer, "because I need to pray for Daddy!" So I ran over to the table and we prayed for Daddy and the people to hear about Jesus.
Mind you, this is the same child who said that she missed Daddy when he was only gone for a weekend. And they both kept referring to Daddy like he was going to come back yesterday, or would comment, "when Daddy gets home later", or "Daddy's truck is here, Daddy's home". So sweet and sad all at the same time. Today I let them watch some e3 YouTube video's and they were so excited. Another cute thing is that Lilly calls the Africans brown, not black. I love hearing their perspective and their heart.


emily freeman said...

Thanks for the comment! No broken rules here :) I'm glad to know another fellow mom of young ones with a youth pastor husband. There are lots out there, but I haven't met many. Welcome and keep reading!

And I hear you on the close your eyes thing. So many times in the day I find myself in "close your eyes" situations with my kids and I am always so busy. Really tugs at the heartstrings when we see them doing what the Lord would delight in...resting and trusting in Him for all things. Nice post.

Karin @ 6ByHisDesign said...

I love how you are recording your children's quotes --- will you make your blog into a book in the end?

(I was intrigued by your comment at Emily's blog --- HUGE fan of hers --- and thought I'd stop by...VERY sweet blog! Keep it up!)


Vikki said...

Our girls consider themselves brown and not black. :0) Lilly is on to something!