Tuesday, July 8, 2008

No camp for the Mommy and the Little Ones....

Well, after all the packing and getting ready and anticipating the trip to Youth Camp at Hume Lake, me and the kids did not go. :/ Lilly had been sick on Tuesday and then Judah threw up on Saturday night, the night before we were to leave for camp. Lilly was extremely disappointed. "But I need to go to camp so that I can swim at Hume Lake!" She cried for awhile and then the drama was over. So Judah had a fever through Monday evening. But both of them seem to have their appetites back and they are being their rambunctious selves. :) They have been watching a lot of "kids shows" as my Mom and I work at their house to get ready for the wedding. So hopefully I am not doing to much irreversible damage. I'm afraid we will need to go on a TV fast after the wedding is over. :)

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