Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Count Down.....

It is the week of the wedding already!!!! Can't believe it. We have been working, working, working over the past few weeks to get things ready. I just hope that we are all on our feet by the day of and not collapsed in the hospital somewhere. But it has been fun and a privilege for me to be a part of this big change in Corrie's life. It hasn't really hit me yet, but I know that I am going to be a tearful case that day.
Last night Mapleview gave Corrie a shower. It was a nice evening, beautifully decorated, beautiful food, and lots of presents. I was able to share a song for Corrie and had a hard time making it through without my emotions getting in the way. I kept trying to look at Corrie and I just couldn't. So much life lived, experiences shared, love expressed and cherished, and my little sister is getting married!!!! AGH!!! I am happy for her and excited for her, but change is occurring and we will trust the Lord.
"Everyday, Lord your mercies are new, everyday, Lord we're trusting in You!" Shannon Wexelberg
P.S. I know that I said I would put up pics, but I just have not had the time to download!!! I hope soon!!!

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