Thursday, October 30, 2008

The best conversation...

"Mommy look, that's all heaven!" Lilly commented on our car ride home yesterday when she saw all the clouds in the sunset. As we continued to observe and talk..."We will get to see Nannie (her great grandmother). There will be a lot of really good food. More and bigger than we have here. And bed"s. Will it ever be dark in heaven?" "No" Mommy said. "And we are all going to have cabins, and we will have new neighbors." Judah asks, "Is that all heaven up there?" "Yes" Mommy said.
As we continued to talk, we came to discuss all the aspects of heaven, how you get there and that they don't want to die right now. I so wish I would have had a recorder or the camera to record all their thoughts and questions. It was the best! I love hearing their perspective. When we were almost at our destination we even got on the subject of Martyrs. That's a difficult one to explain to a two and 4 year old. But Lilly's Sunday School lessons the last two weeks were about Daniel and the lion's den so she could get a little grasp of what it meant.

1 comment:

Thany said...

Oh that is so very wonderful! I love those conversations too.

Lucy goes back and forth on heaven. Sometimes it scares her-especially when we have a fun day planned the next day. But yesterday she told me "It's taking a looooong time to get to Heaven. Mommy." As if she was bored with life here on earth.