Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Even though Sunday is usually really busy and there is not much time to rest, I actually got a nap on Sunday! So nice. We had the Awana Grand Prix box car races at church and by the time we got home it was 4pm. Judah had a melt down and I left to drive him around until he fell asleep. We all survived and napped. And then in the evening we just relaxed, played mellow games and toys with the kids and Shad forced me to lay down and rest. The kids were good and happy when they woke up from their naps. Judah slept for almost 4 hours!
Yesterday I stayed home and did house work and played with the kids. As I was vacuuming I clobbered my foot and my toe went numb. I must of hit a nerve. So I limped around the rest of the day. It is a little better today at least I can walk without pain.
Judah woke up this morning with a fever. Don't know why and as of yet there are no other symptoms. So we will see what the day will hold and hopefully the fever will subside soon.

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