Saturday, February 21, 2009

Washed in the Word...

Well, I seek to be good at laundry and to accomplish this task with precision, for a desired outcome...clean, non-linted, un-stained clothes. Well God's Word was in the wash machine today. It made for an awful mess when I pulled out the clothes finding I had missed one of Shad pocket New Testaments. So my wash machine is cleansed in the Word! And as I shook out the clothes the entire laundry area was littered with bits and pieces of the Word. Kind of make you think about His gospel going out and being blown by the Spirit.
I have not had the best of luck the last few days with water. Yesterday I dropped my phone in the sink drain garbage disposal and although it only got a "little" wet, I lost all my contacts and over 90 pictures! I had pictures on there of when Judah was a baby and now they are lost forever! I was just about to download them off my phone too and we did not have the special card here at home so thus they are gone. :(
So I am trying to avoid anymore "water mishaps" for awhile. How about you? What is the worse thing that has gotten wet or ruined by water?


thebiglers said...

Josh washed my old phone in the washing machine 2 weeks before he left for deployment so I had to go get a cheap $20 phone so that he could call me while he was gone.

thebiglers said...

Josh washed my old phone in the washing machine 2 weeks before he left for deployment so I had to go get a cheap $20 phone so that he could call me while he was gone.