Monday, March 2, 2009

The Galapagos Islands....

Ever heard of them? The islands I mean. Well that is where Shad is right now with a team of about 11 others. They are sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ on the last island that does not have an evangelical church. So exciting! The first day they shared with 42 people and 37 made a decision for Christ and I just received another update that they shared with 87 people and 64 made a decision for Christ! So exciting! They are also doing ministry on the other islands that already have a church to partner with the pastors to help spread the Good News and grow His church. They are going door to door, approaching people on the street, and even singing praise music on the boardwalk and sharing with people who walk by.
Everyone on the team is surviving. Because they are on the equator, it is hot and there are a lot of bugs. Everyone is eaten up! There is no Malaria risk, but I'm sure it is not a comfortable feeling. And everyone is aching from the twice daily boat rides between the islands.
If you think of them, pray for them. But mostly that no matter where they are or what is happening that His light would shine, and the Holy Spirit would draw those whom He is drawing to Himself. Praise the Lord for His name, Praise Him for His grace!


Zuri said...

I wish you all good luck in Galapagos. And during your stay I hope you enjoy these Islands because they are the most incredible living museum of evolutionary changes, with a huge variety of exotic species (birds, land animals, plants) and landscapes not seen anywhere else.

Galapagos Islands

Dawn Wilson said...

I know you must be so proud of your husband for being a surrendered servant of Christ, no matter the difficulties. I also know you are so blessed to enjoy his godly leadership in your home. And (speaking as one whose husband is often in foreign lands), I know that you are experiencing special grace from God to care for your family right now. Keep counting your blessings and live in God's presence. Remember that everything you need flows from the presence of God (power, provision, peace, etc.)