Saturday, January 24, 2009

The remnant...And Sea World

So here was the last remnant of Christmas to go at our house. The kids made this house and finally we threw it away. Fortunately for me this particular gingerbread house was not edible! :)

And here are pictures from the kids first trips to Sea World. Shad's parents bought us passes this year for our Christmas present and the kids are thrilled with the new adventure....Here is Judah and Mommy petting the Bat Rays...
Lilly and Judah hangin out with the Dolphins...

And here is a picture from the place that I looked forward to going every time I went to Sea World...The kids play place...Back then it was called Captain Kids World and I didn't even bother to notice what it is called now...

And here they are right before going in to see the Manatees....

Back in my day you could get into Sea World on their home school day for like $2, but not anymore! We went to those home school days so much that I probably haven't been there in the last 20 years so it was fun to see it again. Judah loved it when the dolphin's and whales would jump at their shows and he would get grumpy when they stopped jumping. And of course Daddy had to sit in the soak zone for every show although, we didn't get wet. We got wet petting the Bat Ray's more than in the soak zones....


Thany said...

Yay Sea World!

We are getting passes on SUNDAY so give me a call if you are heading over and we will meet you there!


Rachel said...

glad to see a post. i'm bummed because we had sea world passes last year, but I don't think we will do it this year. i'll chat with John and see if we can.
see you in the am