Saturday, January 24, 2009

The remnant...And Sea World

So here was the last remnant of Christmas to go at our house. The kids made this house and finally we threw it away. Fortunately for me this particular gingerbread house was not edible! :)

And here are pictures from the kids first trips to Sea World. Shad's parents bought us passes this year for our Christmas present and the kids are thrilled with the new adventure....Here is Judah and Mommy petting the Bat Rays...
Lilly and Judah hangin out with the Dolphins...

And here is a picture from the place that I looked forward to going every time I went to Sea World...The kids play place...Back then it was called Captain Kids World and I didn't even bother to notice what it is called now...

And here they are right before going in to see the Manatees....

Back in my day you could get into Sea World on their home school day for like $2, but not anymore! We went to those home school days so much that I probably haven't been there in the last 20 years so it was fun to see it again. Judah loved it when the dolphin's and whales would jump at their shows and he would get grumpy when they stopped jumping. And of course Daddy had to sit in the soak zone for every show although, we didn't get wet. We got wet petting the Bat Ray's more than in the soak zones....

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Another Year....

Not only does January mark another year of time, but also is the month that Shad and I celebrate our wedding anniversary. We have been married 8 years! Can't believe it. Sometimes it seems like 8 years, what a long time, and other times I think, "its only been 8 years?" We had an enjoyable evening out and reflected on all the happenings of the past year. It was nice to be in a quiet restaurant, and hear each other talk and enjoy a yummy meal.
I'm getting up on life and rest these days. I completely crashed the first week of the month and was down for awhile. Now, I'm feeling a little more "normal" and trying to make adjustments to not let this happen again. We shall see how that goes....

Saturday, January 3, 2009

January - Alice Cary (1820-1871)

THE year has lost its leaves again,
The world looks old and grim;
God folds His robe of glory thus,
That we may see but Him.

And all His stormy messengers,
That come with whirlwind breath,
Beat out our chaff of vanity,
And leave the grains of faith.

We will not feel, while summer waits
Her rich delights to share,
What sinners, miserably bad,--
How weak and poor we are.

We tread through fields of speckled flowers
As if we did not know
Our Father made them beautiful,
Because He loves us so.

We hold His splendors in our hands
As if we held the dust,
And deal His judgment, as if man
Than God could be more just.

We seek, in prayers and penances,
To do the martyr's part,
Remembering not, the promises
Are to the pure in heart.

From evil and forbidden things,
Some good we think to win,
And to the last analysis
Experiment with sin.

We seek no oil in summer time
Our winter lamp to trim,
But strive to bring God down to us,
More than to rise to Him.

And when that He is nearest, most
Our weak complaints we raise,
Lacking the wisdom to perceive
The mystery of His ways.

For, when drawn closest to Himself,
Then least His love we mark;
The very wings that shelter us
From peril, make it dark.

Sometimes He takes His hands from us,
When storms the loudest blow,
That we may learn how weak, alone,--
How strong in Him, we grow.

Through the cross iron of our free will
And fate, we plead for light,
As if God gave us not enough
To do our work aright.

We will not see, but madly take
The wrong and crooked path,
And in our own hearts light the fires
Of a consuming wrath.

The fashion of His Providence
Our way is so above,
We serve Him most who take the most
Of His exhaustless love.

We serve Him in the good we do,
The blessings we embrace,
Not lighting farthing candles for
The palace of His grace.

He has no need of our poor aid
His purpose to pursue;
'Tis for our pleasure, not for His,
That we His work must do.

Then blow, O wild winds, as ye list,
And let the world look grim,--
God folds His robe of glory thus
That we may see but Him.

(This poem was written by my relative. Every year about this time we bring it out to read it , although it seemed to slip through the new year's day celebration this year. It is my favorite poem.)

Friday, January 2, 2009

For the first time at our house, we have a fire place that works! Since we have lived here (6 years) we have not had our fire place finished. But this year, we have a hearth and a firebox door! As you can see we still need to put the stone on the face of the fireplace, but we can burn in it now. A never before seen phenomenon....

Casualties of Christmas...The Nativity. Mary lost her fingers, the shepherd lost the back of his robe...

At one point Joseph broke his staff, but now is repaired and the wise man also lost some fingers...
The shepherd also lost some hair and some toes and shoe....

And the poor palm tree at one point did not have any of its top frawns...

Lilly and Judah could not keep their hands off the set, although I did buy it for them last year. So now the mantle has become the home for the set this Christmas. Thank the Lord that the precious gift of Jesus was not broken as an accident or repaired by superglue. He fulfilled the purpose of His coming, to be broken in death and to be restored in resurrection....

Things we've been doing...

On Christmas Eve this year, Shad and Uncle Mike took the kids ice-skating while Corrie, Mom and I started the preparation for the rest of the day. Grandpa looked on from the viewing point. They had a blast and of course did not want to leave. No surprise!

The new year has started, my tree is still up, and I'm in need of rest. So I can't do anything about the new year starting, I can get my tree down and the house "de-Christmased" and I can choose to rest. So today will be a rest day (although I still have children, so that will all hinge on them). :) HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!