Monday, February 18, 2008

I hate colds!

At least today I hate colds. Although I would prefer a cold over almost any other sickness. So the kids have been sick and now I am sick. Judah had a crazy week last week of ear infection, wheezing and pink eye. Last Firiday Lilly cried for two hours before bed because of an ear ache and now, I am stuffed up with no voice.
But miraculously.....on Saturday I woke up with no voice and I needed to sing for Shad's Aunt Debbie's memorial service. I prayed and asked the Lord to give me the voice if he wanted me to sing. When I sat down to play and I started to sing, notes came out and I made it through the whole song. Praise the Lord! Not for my sake, but for the testimony of Debbie's life and how the song said so appropriatly what needed to be heard that day. Debbie was a gift and treasure that showed and shared Christ's love with everyone she met. She will be missed, but we will look forward to seeing her again in heaven some day.

1 comment:

Thany said...

That song was such a gift to the service. God wanted the beautiful words to be shared with everyone there. Praise Him.